Classic Cabled Toque

Special Abbreviations: 
C4B: Slip 2 STS to cable needle and hold in BACK, K2, K2 from cable needle. 
C4F: Slip 2 STS to cable needle and hold in FRONT, K2, and K2 from cable needle.

Cable Pattern:
Rounds 1 and 5: *P1, K8, P1; rep from * around. 
Rounds 2, 4, 6, and 8: Rep rnd 1. 
Rounds 3 and 7: *P1, C4B, C4F, P2, C4F, C4B, P1; rep from * around. 
Rep. Rounds 1-8 for patt.

Hat Border:
(BEGIN HERE) With 4.0mm 16” circular needle C/O 100 sts. PM and join, being careful not to twist stitches. 
K1, P1 for 8 rows.

Hat Body:
Change to 4.5mm circular needles and begin cable pattern working  cable pattern rounds 1-8 a total of 5 times.

Shape Crown: 
(Note: Change to DPNs when needed.) 
Rnd 1: *P1, K2, SSK, K2TOG, K2, P1; rep from * around. 80 sts. 
Rnd 2: *P1, K6, P1; rep from * around. 
Round 3: *P1, SSK, K2, k2tog, P1; rep from * around. 60 sts. 
Round 4: *P1, K4, P1; rep from * around. 
Round 5: *P1, SSK, K2tog, P1; rep from * around. 
Round 6: *P1, K2, P1; rep from * around.
Round 7: *P1, SSK, P1;rep from * around. 30 sts. 
Round 8: *P1, K1, P1; rep from * around. 
Round 9: *P1, SSK; rep from * around. 20 sts. 
Round 10: *SSK; rep from * around. 10 sts. 
Cut yarn, draw through rem sts. and secure end.

Weave in ends and block.
